Saturday, March 28, 2009

While trying to stay loyal to the title this still weighs heavy on my mind.

In the bike world:

Probably not!


Most likely.

Two weeks til this and this.

Base training comming to an end here. Hopefully starting w/ Brian Conant in April.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week in Review
All things considered not a bad week. The usual exhaustion from a week including a nite at the other place..Tony's. Reached all my training goals. Received the Shimano M300 in the mail and they were a great pair of shoes except for one thing..they didn't fit. Excel was all out of the next smaller size so had to return them . SIDI's pair number six on the way. Scored the Dominator 6's at a "good " price. Damn expensive shoes but go with what you know. I've been riding SIDI's from the begining no sense trying to switch now.

Valentines Day while usually quite lamo was actually really nice this year. Valentine's Day for us has always been about the kids. This year we went to Maggianos and it was great. Sam had mostaccoli but was really psyched about getting "squid". He loved the calamari. Nikki chcen fingers as usual. We also scarfed down 4 servings of bread w/ evoo and vinegar w/ a little parmasagne cheese sprinkled on top. Me and Virg split baked ziti and some chicken linguine w/ olive oil. Chianti, a Guneiss, a canoli, some cheesecake, a little apple strudel thing and some chocolate cake and we were stuffed. A great time. Tour of Cali is on tv now so off to the races..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Glad to be Back

There was a minor setback. Nikki crashed the laptop and we had to send it to Best Buy to have the HD backed up the to HP to get it fixed. Not totally Nikkis fault. I think the laptop was heading in that direction anyways. He just gave it a push.

Quick update on the last month then hopefully at least a weekly post. Biggest news is that on Monday this week Nikki actually swam on his own with no help from the instructor. I think good 'ol Sammy is not far behind. He's just a little anxious.

As of today the snow is pretty much all gone. I was able to get in much more xc skiing this year.
kinda knocked off the running lately due to lack of time. Swimming once a week on fridays, trainer workouts and a few outside rides, also been getting the weights in regularly (2 x week).
So even though not all on the bike I've been keeping up my wo hrs.

Started a training program developed by Andy Applegate via training peaks. Not real big on these but they do provide a guideline. Considering using Brian Conant later in the year. We'll see how this goes. No more CycleSmart for sure.

Niece did awesome in the spelling bee...Nikki and Sam are reading lots of books and doing very well in school oh and lets not forget to give props to Virginia for keeping to a wo schedule of 4 days/week. Looking good!

Booked Spring Break vaca for Colorado..

Last but not least a beer report...

Duvel good, light in color but strong taste, bubbles like champange. Not my favorite.
Leffe Blonde - very good, small bottles (11.2 oz what's with that), lots of flavor
Witte from Ommegang Brewery,Cooperstown NY - two thumbs up, like a dirty blonde, yeasty
Hennepin from Ommegang Brewery, Cooperstown NY - two thumbs up, wheat-ish
Rare VOS from Ommegang Brewery, Cooperstown NY - two thumbs up, really good!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Homer" - I'm out to Sinnissippi to check out the new snowfall and to see if there has been some grooming for the Nordic skiers. I pull into the lot and notice and old van parked there. As I step out of my car and older gentelman get out of the van. He's wearing work boots and a camo hoodie. As he approaches me he's shaking his head. "No good" he says. "Just some four-wheeler tracks but no grooming." So who is this ol' guy I think. Shouldn't you be out hunting wabbits. Turns out after we talk a bit he's a xc skier of many many years. He doesn't tell me much about it but turns out he knows Geoff F. and Johnny H. I text Geoff to let him know the course is a no go 'caus I figured he was probably on his way. He calls bac and proceeds to tell me Ol' Homer has done the Birkie 14 times and is in the 4th wave AND he's 70 years old. A mild mannered xc rock star! I love that someone who really knows there shit so theres no need to brag. He does it and is good at it...nough said. Hope to be that guy some day.

As much as it pains me to say this that is one thing I do like about this God for saken town. It's a Rockford thing that there seems to be this 3 degrees of seperation here. Doesn't take much before you find a connection with just about anyone here. BTW once Homer heard my last name he of course knew my brother. Homer is a retired teacher from Boylan High School. The chances are had I run into an old guy in Colorado there either wouldn't have been much talk, or he would have had a onesided conversation about how good he was and all the races he's done.

In Rockford there is a core group of athletes cycling, xc skiers and runners and in one way or another we seem to all know eachother. The midwest produces some serious athletes. Most are a real step above the weekend warrior. We've got guys in Belguim hopefully competing in the CX World Cup this month, CXers competing in the pro's, Pro roadies, Birki skiiers in the elite wave, serious marathon runners and I'm sure a whole lot more. I used to say there's nothing to do in Rockford but eat and drink but I guess I should change that to eat drink and train.

Cycling - good week this week. Lots of variety. Weights, running, trainer, swimming and xc skiing with Geoff tomorrow made up this week. I'll get in touch w/ Brian Conant hopefully for a training schedule to begin in Feb.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

This week was consumed by the usual, work, "training", kids etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. Sent the "I can't take the job" letter to MH. Also discussed the big C tonight. So for now the plan is to hang tight see how the economy goes and possibly plan an escape for early 2010. North Carolina or the South also came up so who knows. Still we have to consider whats best for the kids education, our retirement and lifestyle. Sooooo sick of these long winters.

Cycling notes - been getting in some time on the trainer, in the gym and the pool. Basically just trying not to get too fat and lazy. Considering training with Brian Conant this year instead of Cycle-Smart. I think Ben is just too busy with the development team to be taking on old guys.

If dreams come true I'd love to do this . I'll try and watch this years race and see what it's like. Maybe? Still way to early to tell. Cross schedules begining to come out. Should have something put together soon. A wish list of races.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

New beginning or return to unfinished business? Who knows. Life seems to be a string of cycles and with each new year I seem to repeat several cycles. As the New Year rolls in and the holidays are finally over I like most people take a moment to reflect on what was and what I hope for the new year.

So returning to my blog since last posting in 2005 I've decided to try and give it another go, A resolution? not really just an effort to perhaps be able to look back at the end of the year and maybe break some of the not so good cycles and move on.

Speaking of cycles the biggest one of my life seems to be the never ending quest to return to Colorado. The positives really outweigh the negatives but it just wasn't in the cards this year. Tonight after blogging I will be sending MHS a letter saying I must un-accept the position there in lieu of the f'd up economy. The timing just isn't there for the family to uproot now. The house just wouldn't get top $ like we need in order to get a decent home in CS. So the plan for now is to hold off for yet another year and possibly try again in 2009.

So what about cycling? Who knows... as of this moment I'm pretty sure I'll go for another cross season. A visit from Jordan last nite almost had me quitting but after thinking about it I realize we're worlds apart with our personal agendas and lifestyles. Cycling gives me time to think and a distraction from stressful everyday life although it does provide some of it's own stress.

Enough rambling for now and hopefully future posts will be less rambling and more interesting. No promises. The "goal" is to try and post weekly for as long as I can. Remember it was 4 years since my last post so no telling where this is going. I changed the title of my blog to "In the Moment" because a man once said "Life is what happens while you're planning" and I think the message there is to live in the moment. BTW that man was John Lennon.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

December 1st...time to transition. I've had close to two weeks off now and it's time to strat transition training . Easy 30" ride on the rollers today. Felt good b/c of stressfull day at work etc. Got a chance to listen to some RAM and FF's during the ride.
Plan on joining Peak Fitness for strength training and "spinervals". Goal in the "off" season would be to try and ride outside at least once a week. Also looks like I'll probably put the F1x on the trainer. Hate to do it but my trainer bike is begining to disintegrate. A real POS. I'll give it another try after my ccle-ops gets replaced and if the bike is fucked then the F1x will have to suffer.

Ordered my ORBEA road frame yesterday. Very excited and can't wait to see how it builds up. Still trying to decide where to put the most $'s. On the groupo or the wheels. I really like the Ksyriums but holy cow are they expensive.

Starting to put together my race schedule for next year and prioritise them. As always my calendar will be full but how many races I actually get to do will change. Thinking about the 24/9 race. Either a 12 hr solo or a 4 man 24hr team. I think Me, Jeff and two other good riders could give a good run for the 40+ masters race. I'm thinking Darin and Geoff. We'll see.

That's all for now...hopefully a little outside riding this weekend. And lets not forget snowboarding in Feb. Begining to make plans w/ Orinjok..can't wait!!!